Stiff Powder | Teen Ink

Stiff Powder

June 5, 2024
By l1lmousedream BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
l1lmousedream BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Powder punch, powder wrap, powder cut 

Beating against my ready skin 

Fist like whips clenching body with every move 

Spinning pinned down again 

One, two, three, out 

Again powder stomp, powder tie 

Yelling for the champion 

Lights gripping onto blood 

For the champion 

Dropping like dead flies 

Scaring without modern medicine 

Powder again powder concussion again

Ropes burn sliding down 

Holding him face to face 

Playing the game

Powder punch powder cheer powder die 

For the champion 

And out again

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