Screams | Teen Ink


June 5, 2024
By Anonymous


 I entered the long dark, damp, moldy hallway. The apartment complex had about 50 rooms, each different from one another. It was around 6 am and the sun had just begun to rise. 

A woman popped out right from the hallway's corner by the stairwell and elevator. “I heard blood-curdling screams last night”, she proclaimed. “ Yeah I did too, sounded like it was right above me, it was terrifying,” he said quickly looking around. The girl looked around the corner for people. “I don't want to stay here anymore.” She said with a frown. I responded, “Yeah, hopefully after one more day I'll be out of here.”

I left the apartment on the way to my twelve-hour shift, I was miserable. I had no friends, family, or any will to live. Just one more day, One more day of this horrible job and maybe my degree will go to use I will get that job at the new law firm. Probably not….

“One hundred-fifty dollars, for a full day of work, Horrible.” I sighed, now back in my apartment I was getting ready for bed, ready to repeat the day maybe just one day.

The alarm clock read, Three-twenty-two AM. I woke up to a dripping sound from my bathroom. My apartment was so tiny it was less than 10 feet away. I went back to bed, or at least I tried. The dripping was becoming miserable, each blop begging me to leave my bed.

Red droplets plopped from the ceiling, each seeming to fall faster. My heart began to pound.” That better be cranberry sauce.” I whispered to myself. I had no clue what to do, it was one hundred percent blood, I went to grab my phone I had to call the police. Just as I flipped open my phone I heard rumbling footsteps getting louder with each second. Then the banging. Banging that sounded like a tsunami was knocking at my door.

 Two options, jump out the two-story window or open the door. On the phone with the police, I checked the peephole in the hallway. Two sixty-ish-year-old men who looked to be homeless were yelling “OPEN THE DOOR”. I saw a loaded handgun and a knife that looked like more of a sword. My heart dropped. Then dropped again as they started kicking down the door, each kick pumped more and more adrenaline. Hiding in the closet as they entered, I listened. They started searching the tiny apartment. A light hit my face like car high beams, the dark closet providing little to no cover anymore. “Please let me live one more day,” I said staring down the barrel of a gun.


The author's comments:

Rewrite of an idea in my notebook

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