Purple | Teen Ink


June 5, 2024
By Nicole_villatoro BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
Nicole_villatoro BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Tired of this society 

We are stronger than you think 

My life, my future, my past, my gender

are not insignificant 

Women are not baby market

Why i am not enough for this society?

Even being more prepared than men 

Why are we fighting for something that we supposed to have

Our voices rise in the struggle for rights 

Breaking barriers down

To create a truly great world 

No longer discrimination, no longer silenced, no longer ignored 

Because this is not something for now 

This is something for the future 

For every women, every race and every sexual orientation

The author's comments:

One day I was taking a history class on civil rights and we touched on feminism, so I created this poem as if I were in that era.

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