Resilience | Teen Ink


June 7, 2024
By vedanth_aggarwal SILVER, Dubai, Other
vedanth_aggarwal SILVER, Dubai, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'Don't wait for opportunities, create them!'

My soul is crying to me

It is floating on this broken illusion across the sea

I want to break though these shackles , just be free

Keep on going this cage can’t hide the real me


Every step I take I feel defeat

Every moment is nothing but deceit

Every obstacle impossible to complete

I am struggling to continue on my feet

The reward may be sweet

But to my dismay this journey will never be complete

It is no ordinary feat

But history will repeat


Talk to myself at night

Try to muster up the might

Going to keep on this fight

Got to choose between flight or fight

Darkness around but I’ll find that light

Even in darkest times, even in the night


Too tired of fighting all my foes

Don’t know how but I am still hanging by my tippy toes

The battle grows close

Shadows have imposed

My joy has frozen can't take it no more


Can’t break them up with my laser eyes, I am not superman

Every feeling of quitting is my kryptonite

Can’t shoot webs to didge my problems, I am not spiderman

Every bright morning reminds of the dark night

Wish I was a character in a video game

I could fix all my bugs

Upgrade myself, a better world is my claim

No need to be a thug

Don’t feel pain don’t be the same

Be ruthless unretiring and keep going

Embrace this feeling and power the torch of resilience

As soon as I step outside

I clad myself in armor

A rustic shield

A blade with so much power

Suddenly I feel this power encircling me 

Reborn as something new


I am your worst nightmare,

Cold and bare

Tears, fear and pain

The cycle continues all over again


I am filled with blood, scars and wounds

Got to understand life is rude

It kills you inside it makes you rude

It’s a never-ending marathon , always bluffing

Every second another revolution

Got to choose between problem or solution

Obstacle or opportunity

Spear , arrows , hammers trying to throw me off

Got to stay focused got to keep on going

Its easy they, all I need is dedication hard work 

From smoke into smother

But I won’t give up because I am a resilient warrior

The author's comments:

This is a more unconventional poem from my side that I originally started writing for a competition. Its almost catchy and rap like I feel but nonetheless I feel it effectively captivates the power of resilience and the strength it carries.

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