Imprisoned stubbornness | Teen Ink

Imprisoned stubbornness

June 8, 2024
By abdulbasithp BRONZE, Kondotty, Other
abdulbasithp BRONZE, Kondotty, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I saw a sorceress scene on the boarder

When an umbrella leans on my shoulder.

Amidst grief, while bad ideas shifted well 

Memories to a farewell.


Her contemplation would persuade my soul 

Even I’m in heaven, just like a fevicol

Calling me to love once again

Failing to recall the break up’s pain.


Ever and anon, I don’t care about it

I have the stubbornness to hit 

Her, but I’m not a devil dare

To construct any pollution in this tranquil air.


As the sun, I’m nugatory in the noon

And fructiferous in the moon

As per girls’ mind sets

On us, before the sun sets.


They don’t know the sun of energy

Is the main mean of love allergy

On the moon light 

Switching off the bed light.

The author's comments:

"In Imprisoned Stubbornness," the speaker grapples with conflicting emotions surrounding love and past memories. Despite feeling compelled to resist, their stubbornness keeps them tethered to their emotions. The poem reflects on the struggle between holding onto the past and embracing the possibility of love once again.

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