A Rebirth | Teen Ink

A Rebirth

June 12, 2024
By annalise-holt BRONZE, Cheshire, Connecticut
annalise-holt BRONZE, Cheshire, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have lustrated every piece of my heart that once loved you

And in the damaged, roiling smoke that tumbles free from my chest

I am reborn 

Because without the weight of my obsession,

I can stand taller, smile without the pressure of being yours

There is a renaissance in my every step 

The rolls of my emotions are pure, no longer brought on by your cruel heart

My world broadened beyond your callous soul

And so I can feel heartbreak in a poem

And not think of you

I can embrace the ecstasy of laughter

Without needing you by my side

I am so much more without the tether that tied me to you

So if you ever crawl back to me

I will run faster than ever before, 

Now that I am free

The author's comments:

The relationship I had with my first girlfriend was very obsessive. I had an unhealthy attachment to her and felt as if my world did not just revolve around her, but was her. I struggled in the moments I was alone, feeling like I had to always be around her. We were always were talking to each other, so much so that I began to push my friends aside so that all my time was dedicated to her. So when we broke up, and I was now officially alone, I was devastated—my world now gone. It took months of healing and alone time to get to a place where I could write this poem. I am now so much happier out of that relationship and, as I expressed in the poem, feel liberated.  

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