Will Those Scars Persist Overmorrow? | Teen Ink

Will Those Scars Persist Overmorrow?

June 13, 2024
By MS_Blues GOLD, San Jose, California
MS_Blues GOLD, San Jose, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The progress of an artist is a continual self-sacrifice, a continual extinction of personality."
- T.S. Eliot

I’m fine,

I say that all the time.

I laugh. I smile.

The way my emotions lie should be chastised.

Because here I am,

Smirking in the faces of those near.

But I scream in the empty room when it’s just me.

They’ll never know the wars I’ve fought,

They’ll never know the streams of misery I’ve cried,

They’ll never know about my other side,

But most importantly,

They’ll never know the scars I hide.

And I don’t know how long they’ll persist.

Maybe tomorrow,

but overmorrow?

Who knows.

After all,

Everything is unpredictable.

The author's comments:

Mia Soto, better known as M.S. Blues, is an 18 year old writer from San Jose, California. She is Mexican, Polynesian, Indigenous, Queer, and most importantly, a warrior. Her work revolves around the darker pieces of humanity society tends to neglect. She has been published over 80 times by several literary magazines and currently serves as an editor to The Amazine, Adolescence Magazine, The Elysian Chronicles, Hyacinthus Zine, Chromatic Stars Review, and Low Hanging Fruit. In addition, she is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Beaulieu Gazette and the Editor-in-Chief & Founder of The Infinite Blues Review. You can connect with her on Instagram @m.s.blues_ 

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