When’s The Weekend Going to Start? | Teen Ink

When’s The Weekend Going to Start?

June 15, 2024
By aidensaewonahn GOLD, Palisades Park, New Jersey
aidensaewonahn GOLD, Palisades Park, New Jersey
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up, hearing an annoying sound penetrate my eardrums.

My alarm reads six o’clock as I beg for five more minutes,

Rushing to get ready in twenty minutes before I miss my train;

My morning starts messily, as always.

Arriving at school, I immediately head to my first-period class,

Feeling lethargic, I can barely stay awake

As the teacher lectures about the most random topic ever.

Great! Now, I just have to do that for seven more hours…

On top of that, I can’t deal with these adults exercising their authority.

Why would anyone enjoy bossing around little kids?

And my classmates–they’re the worst too, with their annoying attitudes.

At least, the same bell I dread releases me back home now.

Finishing my last few homework assignments, I start to get drowsy;

After that, it’s finally going to be time for bed.

Oh, I’m going to sleep early today;

Look at that, it’s only two AM!

When’s the weekend going to start..?

The author's comments:

Being a student, the thing I look forward to most in life is the weekend, a time when I can be free of the responsibilities that I have to endure everyday. This two-day period is the only time when I think I can truly be liberated from the oppressive nature of the weekdays. As you can tell, I am not a big fan of my school time. This poem hopes to illustrate the idea that I feel, which is that the weekend is the short escape from the environment that I have to live through five out of seven days of the week.

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