Thank You | Teen Ink

Thank You

June 18, 2024
By inzinnaj2024 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
inzinnaj2024 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I could only tell you one more thing 
before we part for eternity, 
I would tell you how much you mean to me, 
and how you’ve affected me  
astoundingly, undoubtedly, resoundingly 
Listen, I know it’s been hard, 
but isn’t that just life? 
We found a way to reunite, 
through all the tears and the pain as we fought back challenges  
as we struggled and survived life’s unfair imbalances 
You picked me up when I had given up, 
gave me a reason to stay, 
something to fight for, 
now I know we’ll be okay. 
I can’t wait to keep learning  
and growing with you, 
I know it sounds silly, 
but please just let me say  
thank you. 

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