It isn't Your Fault! | Teen Ink

It isn't Your Fault!

June 22, 2024
By KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
46 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Don't blame yourself.
It isn't your fault.
No one tells you that because no one knows you need those four words said.
No one can see past the mask you hide behind
But whatever happened,
Whatever made you hate yourself,
Made you want to end things,
You've made a mistake.
We're human, we do stupid things.
We all do.
You aren't alone,
even though it may feel that way.
This may not help,
But I hope you realize that you are not to blame.
You are amazing, no matter what you've done.
No matter your past.
Don't let what happened, ruin what can happen.
What your future has in hold for you.

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