Healing | Teen Ink


June 25, 2024
By courtneywise20 SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
courtneywise20 SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“It will get better”

Yeah, I know but when, how

I know healing takes time

But I’m so tired

As I doom scroll through my socials

Trying to find tips on how to heal correctly

I finally find the truth I’ve been searching for

Healing won’t just come on its own

Healing will take effort

Healing will take time

And healing will look different for everyone

As I start the long process to healing

I start to notice myself:

Feeling okay with the thought

Of being alone

Looking forward to waking up again

Finding joy in the little things

Allowing myself to rest when I am drained

And being with the people

Who bring me peace

All the things that I thought I would never find again

Healing will take work

And it sure won’t be easy

But boy is it worth it

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