Shadows Of Regret | Teen Ink

Shadows Of Regret

June 28, 2024
By Dhriti BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
Dhriti BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the quiet corners of my soul, I detest

What I have become, a shadow draped in regret,

Someone who cannot bathe in the joy of others.


Once, I danced among the stars, a symphony of light,

But now, I stumble in the dusk, burdened by my plight,

Haunted by echoes of laughter that slip through my grasp.


How did I stray from the path of warmth and grace?

Where once I embraced the sun, now I hide my face,

In the shadows of my own making, lost and alone.


I yearn to shed this cloak of sorrow, to feel again,

To breathe in the melody of life, to heal the pain,

And rediscover the joy I've long forgotten.


But until then, I dwell in this hollow regret,

A soul adrift, seeking solace in the sunset,

Longing to be free from the chains I've spun.


I detest what I have become,

Someone who cannot bathe in the joy of others,

Yet beneath it all, a flicker of hope endures,

That one day, I may reclaim what was lost,

And once again, dance among the stars.

The author's comments:

Hi!! My name is Dhriti. I'm 17 years old and love reading novels and writing poetry. Writing poetry has helped me during tough times, and my poem "Shadows Of Regret" is a reflection of those moments. If you are going through something similar, remember you can overcome it!

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