A Haze They Call me | Teen Ink

A Haze They Call me

July 6, 2024
By ctfu666 GOLD, Short Hills, New Jersey
ctfu666 GOLD, Short Hills, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Every writer I know has trouble writing."
--Joseph Heller

Slick I am

on your hands and face          slumping to the ground and lathering

your hair          for I’m organic 

exhaust that sticks to your lungs

and in between your toes           one that you can’t

just wipe off like sweat        Suffocating            that’s not really me            more a limbo

between suffocating and refreshing       a stale limbo 

I am       a stale viscous limbo          Nocturnal

but not predatory              at least


I prey

by nature                one that I can’t


Perhaps more reserved I want to be

and gentle       but it’s nature  I can’t resist sticking to your skin and living in this limbo

between suffocating and refreshing             Tired        Misty         La    ssi    

tude I am          but

don’t want to be             I don’t want to cling to your skin     Can I

be nocturnal not

because I’m predatory or in limbo           but just because I’m dead

exhausted and want to plump up

the grass and dirt beneath my feet          my pillow

and kiss the sky goodnight

like any other sleepy haze might.

The author's comments:

This piece explores my belief that if I was a type of weather, I would be a haze.

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