Its only yuh . | Teen Ink

Its only yuh .

September 19, 2009
By armybratnva2007 BRONZE, Fort Belvior, Virginia
armybratnva2007 BRONZE, Fort Belvior, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i could walk by a million faces in this town , and only want yuhrs. cuz baby . yuhr the only person i think about . i always wonder what yuhr doing and who yuhr with. i dont know if thats weird to say now. the fact she says yuh love her . and not me . doesnt bother me because i believe yuh lovee me not her. but if shes right. that slime chance. dont forget that once yuh leave . i dont give second chances unless yuh earn them. so unless yuh plan working to get me back . dont leaveee . if uh care even alil bit about what happens to me . dont leave me baby .

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