Love: The Sixth Sense | Teen Ink

Love: The Sixth Sense

October 19, 2009
By Hjaimes SILVER, Round Rock, Texas
Hjaimes SILVER, Round Rock, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe love, is our sixth sense
the one that really truly makes sense
its the strongest of all
the one that ties the others together
makes the others clearer
makes the others stronger
because when your in love
everything seems more beautiful
even the stars above
shine just a little bit brighter
and the songs of the birds
are a little bit louder
the smell of a rose
is so much stronger
and stays with you longer
when your in love
the slightest touch,
can say so much
the softest sound,
can be so profound
that voice,
could be the most beautiful lullaby
that kiss, can make you fly
and it may be sweeter than candy
but it can hit harder than brandy
love could leave you breathless
love could leave you senseless
it could make you weaker
it could make you stronger
love, can make you stronger

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