Hallows Eve | Teen Ink

Hallows Eve

October 20, 2009
By Vampire~Girl BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
Vampire~Girl BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To catch a criminal, you have to think like one."

There are kids' squeals as
they yell trick or treat
and recieve their candy.

A full moon shines through
the clouds and the mist.
The old man knows what
tonight is and its' hardly fun.

It's Hallows Eve and you
had beeter run unless you
want to be lunch.

The couples in the graveyard are in for quite a shock. Tonight, they all come out and no one is safe!

There's a howl and a scream
and the man knows whats up.
Its the werewolves and the zombies
that's what's coming up.

His black cat squeals and a cackle flies and then there goes the broom. A shadow is there and then
its not and the ghost laughs too.

Another scream, its a kid and





Quick as a silver bullet there's a double stab in his neck. Quick as a snake and quiet as a hunting panther

the vampire drains the man of his blood like a drunk man seeking the last drop of whiskey.

'Happy Halloween' the vampire says and then he fades to mist.

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