Your Trust | Teen Ink

Your Trust

November 9, 2009
By geenamaharaj SILVER, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
geenamaharaj SILVER, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds."

The most trivial tears you care for,
No matter the size of their cause.
I see your smile—the one I adore,
That moment is put on pause.

A former rebel right down to my core,
I ignored all the rules and laws.
Then you came and opened the door,
You love me despite all my flaws.

The discomfort, the aches, I’m feeling sore
The pain attacks my neck, it eats and gnaws,
But your hands are here, the pain is no more,
They heal, they cure, they’re big bear paws.

Suddenly, the trust I had in you tore.
My wound needed more than gauze.
Slowly my whole body fell to the floor,
A ground covered by sharp saws.

I felt lost at sea, there was no shore.
I was away from your hands (now claws).
Then came a light I hadn’t seen before,
But I secretly knew what it was…

Your trust.

The most trivial tears you care for,
No matter the size of their cause.
I see your smile—the one I adore,
That moment is put on pause.

A former rebel right down to my core,
I ignored all the rules and laws.
Then you came and opened the door,
You love me despite all my flaws.

The discomfort, the aches, I’m feeling sore
The pain attacks my neck, it eats and gnaws,
But your hands are here, the pain is no more,
They heal, they cure, they’re big bear paws.

Suddenly, the trust I had in you tore.
My wound needed more than gauze.
Slowly my whole body fell to the floor,
A ground covered by sharp saws.

I felt lost at sea, there was no shore.
I was away from your hands (now claws).
Then came a light I hadn’t seen before,
But I secretly knew what it was…

Your trust.

The author's comments:
This poem is about my relationship with my boyfriend. We've been dating since May of 2007.

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