Alice in Wonderland | Teen Ink

Alice in Wonderland

December 14, 2009
By sarahdee GOLD, Swansea, Illinois
sarahdee GOLD, Swansea, Illinois
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything had changed suddenly--the tone, the moral climate; you didn't know what to think, whom to listen to. As if all your life you had been led by the hand like a small child and suddenly you were on your own, you had to learn to walk by yourself. There was no one around, neither family nor people whose judgment you respected. At such a time you felt the need of committing yourself to something absolute--life or truth or beauty--of being ruled by it in place of the man-made rules that had been discarded. You needed to surrender to some such ultimate purpose more fully, more unreservedly than you had ever done in the old familiar, peaceful days, in the old life that was now abolished and gone for good."

Room spins,
laughter and music courses through my body
This is too extreme, I shouldn;t have done it.
My breathing shallows, as I can't escape the waves of the high crashing faster and harder.
I'm Alice in wonderland.
And then i feel your hand on my leg, and the touch silences my heart.
The warmth stays
But then I open my eyes.
And the eyes that I had gotten lost in for hours are gone.
Replaced with someone that makes me cringe.
my hearts beats faster, and your face is so close to mine.
I can't breathe,
I can't think,
I can't move.
I want to scream for you to go away
Let me out of this nightmare-like fun house
but i can't.
I'm trapped.
I close my eyes
wishing to disappear
begging to come back down
pushing the warm waves away.

The author's comments:
This is written about drugs ,and how they can change and ruin everything.

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