plus Sign | Teen Ink

plus Sign

December 19, 2009
By inkismyblood SILVER, Apo Ae, Other
inkismyblood SILVER, Apo Ae, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you have to enjoy the little thing's in life."

-Tallahasse, Zombieland

would you feak out if i say 'i love you'?even though we just met yesterday? its seems that i forget everybody elses name but yours and mine with a plus sign. tell me wut this means? should i ask or keep my haert hidden in my sleeve? would i freak out if you said yes? would i cry if said no? would i hate you for the rest of your life if i was denied? would you forget everybody else if we were together? would you find a tree and carver the name of you and me with a plus sign?

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