Brother | Teen Ink


January 7, 2010
By Airiii GOLD, Spring, Texas
Airiii GOLD, Spring, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Share with me your stories, dear brother.
Tell me of your countless thoughts.
Enlighten me with your humble knowledge.
Pray we shall never depart.

Tend to me, oh my dear brother.
Guide me in the right direction.
Care we shall for each other.
Hope we'll never grow apart.

Walk with me, dear child.
An endless journey, it shall be.

-Along the shore and

through the night...
In the sand we'll silently bask,
Beneath the luminous moon.
Let's count our musings in the sky,
Attached to many stars.

Tell me of your new ideas,
Oh young Scholar of Tomorrow.
Describe to me your nightly visions.
We can paint them into life.

Tell me of your troubles, young Rebel.
What haunts you in your sleep?
Sooth I shall your restless mind.
Your troubles you'll soon forget.

Rest with me, my dearest one.
Be my nocturnal companion.
Create we shall eternally.

-You, the scholar

and I, the artist,
the world Tomorrow doesn't have.

Stay with me, my brother.
Together the world we'll change.
Enlighten us with your ideas.
Have hope for a grand Tomorrow.

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