Apocalypse Sun | Teen Ink

Apocalypse Sun

January 7, 2010
By Airiii GOLD, Spring, Texas
Airiii GOLD, Spring, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The red haze
The icy breeze
Ghosting across the ground
Once fertile
but now barren forever
Sick with the
betrayal and hatred
of those fallen war heroes

Black smoke erodes the air
Engulfing the sun
Filling our lungs
In the distance, our home
Our country in flames.
Once so real
But now so fake.
How could we have been
So stupid?
How could we have not
Seen the Truth?

Those bite-sized lies
they shoved down
our throats
That made us believe
In the madness they forced,
That made us forget
the urge to resist.

Infecting our minds...
Diluting our will...
Hypnotizing us, still

--"Yes. This is what

we want."

We obeyed their commands
Mechanic and
A trained beast
To its Master
Our lips forever
Tightly stoned shut

We echoed the words:

"It was all for the

In the pits
Of our minds.
Soon they would
Stop stuffing us
With lies

"Better" never came.
For years we toiled,
As dogs of the State.
Stripped of our Beings,
Robbed of our Rights
Only shortening
The time before
Our demise.

Our leaders,
they're watching.
Their world
swallowed by flames.
Layers upon layers
of engineered lies
Swept away by the
Just cold brittle

Upon us,
the sunset.
illuminating the smog
Just a few more Hours
and the Torch shall be ours.

Apocalypse sun
Falling ever slowly
Casting away
its Solar gaze
ashamed of what
we creatures have done.

The time has now come
the time to rebel.
Through the streets
we'll run nocturnal
and point cold metal
against their heads.

No need for mercy
No need for last words
Just pull the trigger
And deed will be done.

It's all ours now
The seat of authority
And all before
the breaking of dawn

Rebuild we shall
To restore
this great land

Just rewind the clock
to the beginning

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