Raining blood of my Savoir | Teen Ink

Raining blood of my Savoir

February 23, 2010
By mynameis GOLD, Bolingbrook, Illinois
mynameis GOLD, Bolingbrook, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Ripped and torn
Gashed and bleeding
Collapsed in weakness
Barely breathing
Hair in his eyes
Blood, sticking to his flesh with a scarlet grip
Shallow gasps
Rasps knives of conviction
Carrying this burden
Crushed underneath
The roads and rocks ravaged his feet

Dyeing pain
Which set us free
They laughed and spit
Threw piercing blades of lies
Turning his loved ones to their side
Mocked him with thorns
Pried in his skull
Raining blood
Blood raining down

“Father forgive them”
They cursed at these words
These Saving sounds
Thrown at the ground
A taste of sour wine
They gave to his lips
Swollen and bleeding
To make his suffering prolong

The hideous, they shuttered
When pounded into bone
Rusty spikes they drove
Into his wrists, his feet
Places the cross upward
Tore at his body
Weight forcing. enlarging holes into his body
Scarlet rain

Dripping with blood
Crusted onto his skin
He died with one breath
“ It is finished”

One look at the cross beam
They all turned away
Mutilated body
Hung in the sky
Beyond recognition
She let out a cry. Her baby boy
Broken and bleeding, she looked a second to long
His skin was peeling
They shook him down
Day turned to night

Cross beams
The sight of it made them weep
Blood and body
Sweat and stain

Lord take this from me
You took my sin and saved me for eternity
But sometimes we take things to lightly
You suffered for us

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