Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

March 29, 2010
By JennaP GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
JennaP GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from eating green beans straight off the vine in the backyard, from Mrs. See’s chocolate covered ginger, and Conair colored hair clips covering the bathroom floor.

I am from the mint leaves growing right below the deck and fresh flower candle scents.

I am from the bleeding hearts out side of the house, and falling backward attempting to see the top of the evergreens.

I am from finding the pickle in the tree and hugs after every Christmas present is revealed, from Ostrowski, Pepitone, and Wanderer.

I am from the “You still have food on your plate” and the “Thank you.”

From “Money doesn’t grow on trees” and “Have you ever heard the song…? Well let me sing it for you.”

I am from create your own belief, and failed attempts at contacting a higher power.

From you are in control and respect the trees flowing in the breeze they create and enjoy the seasonal fruits of the earth.

I am from San Ramon, Italy, Germany, and Poland.

From gnocchi, fresh salads, and salmon.

From the ‘stranger’ aunt arriving with a cigarette on Halloween, her head draped in unfamiliar black curls and the grandma sneaking us kids food before dinner.

I am from the family games in the living room, the 3 person swing (that usually fits 6) swinging outside in the spring, and the earth.

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