Speak. | Teen Ink


April 8, 2010
By gemini0696 SILVER, Bpt, Connecticut
gemini0696 SILVER, Bpt, Connecticut
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Have you ever been so scared that you couldn't speak?
Well, this has happened to me.
The memory of which I wish I couldn't keep.
My body shivered from head to feet.
The car swerved down and across the street.
The only place I knew where I wanted to be,
Was home free.
The biggest regret I have was not being able to speak.

Living in a world of fright.
My eyes squeezed tight.
Wishing I could lose sight.
Having a deep despise for the driver in the night.

Clueless of what was happening at the time.
I couldn't change how the sun didn't shine
Or how the drivers eyes wouldn't focus to find.

The innocence of helpless children
In the back seat

Grasping the texture of the interior
And later looking in the mirror
"Thank God I'm alive, but I'm done with her features."

The author's comments:
This was just something that was inspired one night when I was trying to go to sleep. I started writing things down and left it like that for awhile until one night i started adding more to it. Then I said teenink! hehe. [ :

This poem is somewhat hard to understand because in my mind it goes from past to present a few times. But tell me what you think. : ]

Does the rhyming make it worse or better? I'm not sure.

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