Summer Rain | Teen Ink

Summer Rain

May 15, 2010
By decomposing_hearts GOLD, Bethlehem, New Hampshire
decomposing_hearts GOLD, Bethlehem, New Hampshire
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The summer night rain runs down my face,
Washing the make-up away
Only to show my imperfections
The ugl beauty that i am
All that was left was me, the true me
The person behind the perfect mask
The one who made mistakes
Standing there with nothing but the expresstion on my face
But in the distance i see you coming
Not because you dont want to
Not because someone told you to
But because you want to
You see me as i am
You see the lonely girl crying out for help
You take me by the hand
And make me understand
That you were ment for me
And now i see

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 17 2010 at 1:19 pm
Britney15 BRONZE, Attleboro, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 59 comments
This poem is very beautiful. I think you could've improved it by editing for little mistakes. This poem sends a message alot of girls can relate to, and i think it is one of many of the poems i really like on this site. Please comment on some of my work