Forget | Teen Ink


June 2, 2010
By JasmineG. GOLD, Lawrence, Massachusetts
JasmineG. GOLD, Lawrence, Massachusetts
11 articles 1 photo 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We're in the present not the future. The only thing we can do now is listen to our hearts and pay for it later with the satisfaction of knowing we did something actually worthwhile." -Jasmine Garver

With them gone they'll never see
The beautiful girl I've come to be
I hate the tears falling down my face
In sucha hurried quickened pace
I should see in the memories we shared
how much they had always cared
People always say they know how it should feel
That time can only really heal
But, it just doesn't go away real fast
and you can neverever forget the past

The author's comments:
Realizing that I will never get to see, talk, hear, and just be with my Mom and Dad inspired me to write this poem

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