Egg Toss | Teen Ink

Egg Toss

May 22, 2010
By NoOneKnows93 GOLD, Colfax, California
NoOneKnows93 GOLD, Colfax, California
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
A girl only needs three things in her life: LOVE to make her weak, ALCHOHOL to make her strong, and FRIENDS to pick her up when the first two make her hit the ground.

Will it happen?
I think it will
sickley sweet anticipation,
it fills me
it fills everyone
a soft cool breeze
that interrupts the day's humidity
I look to the sky
my brown eyes expectant,
I move
step forward, step right
I seem to be in the right spot
it's shadow falls upon me
I take a step back
extend my arms out front
waiting for the delivery
but i miss,
it falls, it cracks,
I'm out of the game
its yellow center oozes
out onto the cement
giving it the wet relief that I long for
murmurs heard, eyes glaring,
I walk away
my head is down,
I now know something
and I will remember it always,
it is a lesson,
one of great value,
it is a reminder,
to never again
play the game,
and I won't,
ever again.

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