I had a dream | Teen Ink

I had a dream

July 6, 2010
By leandranicole GOLD, Tampa, Florida
leandranicole GOLD, Tampa, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I had a dream we walked the beaches hand in hand.
your eyes sparkling like hazel diamonds.
We kissed in the rain and played in the sand.
The waves washed away our fears and hesitations.

I had a dream that there was no predjuduce.
people would no longer stare.
black nor white. boy nor girl
We could walk the streets and have no fear.

I had a dream we could live forever.
love was invicable.
we were always together.
and pain was earasable.

I had a dream but in the end the world will always be full of nightmares.

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