New Born | Teen Ink

New Born

August 27, 2010
By ExcitableEmyle BRONZE, Kamloops, District Of Columbia
ExcitableEmyle BRONZE, Kamloops, District Of Columbia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ah today is a day to celebrate,
to have laughter smilies and tears.
One who is so tiny,
is now welcomed into our world.

Her skin is silky smooth,
as her hair is quite thin.
Eyes closed extremely tight,
not yet adjusted to the light.

Now everyone is watching,
waiting for a cute noise.
As she tosses and turns.
things like oo and aw are heard.

It is quiet now,
where the parents can be alone.
Holding her in their arms,
telling her that she will forever be loved.

The time has come to go home,
the place where everything seems right.
Together the three of them will stand,
as a family who is now complete.

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