Childhood. | Teen Ink


August 29, 2010
By Orpoe BRONZE, Dublin, Other
Orpoe BRONZE, Dublin, Other
4 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
As I write highly civilised human beings fly overhead, trying to kill me.

What’s there to learn, when
All we learn we know from
Younger years, when the world
Was flat and the people in it were
Perceived to be gods?

And how could you be blamed for
Something you could not control when
An obtuse mother didn’t have a
Witch’s crystal ball, and where a jail
Might not have been your only fate
Had a god not forced thoughts
On you or your pink robes?

The author's comments:
I'm doing a History Project for school at the moment, for my Leaving Cert, and whilst reading "The Trials of Oscar Wilde" I found out how Wilde was actually dressed up in girl's clothes as a child, and this is a run on sentence, and that fact obviously must have affected his homosexual nature when he was older. So the poem is about how your childhood affects your adulthood, and the second stanza uses Wilde as an example.

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