Creation Within The Thoughts | Teen Ink

Creation Within The Thoughts

August 27, 2010
By ExcitableEmyle BRONZE, Kamloops, District Of Columbia
ExcitableEmyle BRONZE, Kamloops, District Of Columbia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What was that?
A loud roar coming from above.
Heads peeking out the curtains of windows.
Dogs howling as if there is danger.
It isn't until you hear the rain,
and see the brightness shock the sky.
That a thunderstorm is slowly coming by.

Standing in the rain,
drops touching my skin.
Cool icy breeze,
puddles ready for jumping in.
The sky shows no sadness,
rather the excitement to let nature grow.
Inside my body I feel a rush,
saying that no matter what believe to have fun.

The author's comments:
Thunderstorms kept passing over where I live and everything about it made me want to create an imagen within my writing to get readers really interested. Everything from the sky to the puddles on the ground.

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