Watching Fate | Teen Ink

Watching Fate

September 10, 2010
By Jfulton360 SILVER, Ben Lomond, California
Jfulton360 SILVER, Ben Lomond, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Some times the Hardest things and the Right things are the same"- the Fray

I watch you as your standing there
I wonder if you still care?
Your so close to me
Yet still so far out of reach
Don't have the guts to
Go and Face you-
If I did I can only guess what
You would do
So I stand back and watch you
I make sure your ok
Day to day I see
That you seem to be forgetting me
Slowly I'm slipping into the shadows
Of your memories
I watch you, to be sure your alright
Make sure no one tries to pick a fight
When you look my way,
Your eyes say that you remember, barely
About you and me, and who we used to be together
There's no more love between us
Fate has strange ways to make us see
That this is how it's meant to be
Wish I could hold you one last time
Kiss you 'cause I miss it so
But our love is as cold as snow
Just not as beautiful
To bad, so sad
So I watch you as you walkway
Wearing that familiar face, and knit cap I made for you
It still give me hope though…..
Even though I know
It's useless

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