The Only Real Fairytale | Teen Ink

The Only Real Fairytale

September 19, 2010
By WeeksElizabeth2014 SILVER, Potosi, Missouri
WeeksElizabeth2014 SILVER, Potosi, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Friendship is like peeing on yourself. Everyone can see it but only you get the warm feeling that it brings

Sometimes there is this knowing in me.
About this life that is unseen,
The stories of happiness, of true love, And fairytales all being true.
Listening to your breathing as i lay underneath the stars,
It seems so perfect so magical, but yet so unreal.
In medows of beauty and lightening shooting out to light my way, Your hand leads me to the safest place.
My head and my heart are all on one page, and hurt isn't there.
The fairytales that i know of in books can't compare to this.
The love in this life of mine seems to take the gravity in this world away.
And make me feel like i could float up and past the outter space in my heart.
In your arms in where i belong.
And in your arms the faiytale stays so stronge.

The author's comments:
my aunt and her boy friend inspired this.
To many people true love isn't there and will never be in some cases.
But those cases people usually are looking for the love they will never be able to actually find,
you are lucky to stumble upon it once and then if you let it go or it slips away you have given your chance away.
They have this relationship that gives you hope and shows you how happiness, true happiness is really in your life.

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