Game of Life | Teen Ink

Game of Life

October 6, 2010
By MaddieLawrence PLATINUM, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania
MaddieLawrence PLATINUM, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania
30 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every happy ending, starts with a tragic beginning. ~me,myself!
War does not decide who is right, only who is left . ~unknown
Be the change that you want to see in the world. ~m. Ghandi

In a moment’s time,
I see my end.

The edge of the cliff,
the end of the game.

Trying to stop,
but my legs won’t listen.

Clawing at the ground,
begging mother nature for mercy.

Craving relief,
from the excruciating pain,
I was summoned to.

Yet the only thing I receive,
Is another coffin resting on my shoulders.

Looking to my right,
I see my grieving parents.

To my left,
my loyal brothers.

Each pledging that if I go,
They will already of been gone.

“Let go, for in the end you’ll all die”
utters Satan, speaking as my conscious

“I created you, but it is you yourself that makes you.”
Replies God, as my brain.

A short lived debate,
as it was interrupted by my frantic family.

Ignoring both voices of reason,
I listen to my heart.

Already knowing its answer,
I slam everything into the earth.

My voice, my soul, my heart, my emotions,

Then the world stops spinning,
and the angles start singing.

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