What I see. | Teen Ink

What I see.

November 15, 2010
By SweetXDreams GOLD, Londonderry, Vermont
SweetXDreams GOLD, Londonderry, Vermont
10 articles 11 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have found the Paradox,<br /> If you love until it hurts<br /> There can be no more hurt<br /> Only love.

Flickers of red

Filter though the mourning

Like fire flies there lights do fade.

Bliss is carried along

In the confusion of the moment.

Stop your breathing

If just for just a second,

To hold the time

For everything it isn't.

Sirens transform to memories

Scurrying through the woods

Chasing after the sun

Collapsing into clouds of blue,


Not even the heart could

Pause to fill such lungs

With these sweet melodies

Of never ending years.

Embracing in the safety

Of a fading kiss of day

Floating feet off the ground

Head lolling back

Catching shimmering sparkles of dew

Between pearl stained teeth

Screams so distant

Nearly inaudible

The chirping of crickets

Drowns out whispering plea's

Sinking into plush emerald grass

Vines restrain all movement

Carefree, simple, serene

Flurry's of powder rush

Into resting lungs

The beat of life

Startles the millions of stars

That glitter far above

Swaying and swirling

Sudden storms of ice

Blaze into a spring night

Restraints have flown away

Disappearing into the florescent sun

Frosted white ice lines the universe

Rest has fallen.

Darkened gray film

Passes through ever bone

Creating questions

To renter reality

Or to stay in Once Upon A Time

The author's comments:
I was inspired by memories.

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