Diddily-Do | Teen Ink


January 18, 2011
By SarahDoody SILVER, Hunting Valley, Ohio
SarahDoody SILVER, Hunting Valley, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A man with the curse of
One thousand faces
Went away for an awfully long time
He traveled the world with only a shirt and two
Pairs of pants.
He met many people from many a-places,
As he traveled by diddily doing.
Despite how strange, people became amazed
By his stature and strength while hopping in
Only one single place.
Finally he settled with a wife and three kids,
Hoping that one day he’d be able to
Diddily do again.
But after a while he lost his hope and dream,
And believed that he was fulfilled.
Now as a grandpa,
He waited and waited and then in a sudden breeze,
His future came a knock’n as he slept in his warm bed.
Future did not wait,
And then the man with a thousand faces
Left without even a trace.
Removed from this earth,
Along with his pacing and lacing and don’t forget
His future lay hidden beneath his now cold blankets.
Waiting and seeking for the next diddily-doer to come along.

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