On My Own | Teen Ink

On My Own

December 18, 2010
By Anonymous

Nobody’s here to help.
How can I get past this?

Waiting for something,
Anything really.
A sign maybe.

There’s nothing worth waiting for now.
I’ll just leave.
There’s nothing left to do.

Then maybe,
Just maybe,
Everyone else will have a chance.

I don’t know how to start.
Where to go.
Where to stay.

Nobody wants me,
But that’s just my luck.

I wish it wouldn’t have to come to this.
But nobody seems to care.

I’m lost in this world.
I really am.

There’s no sense in waiting.
I’ve been doing that my whole life.

I guess I have two choices:
Should I stay?
Or leave?

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This article has 7 comments.

on Mar. 24 2011 at 2:17 pm
Basketball23 SILVER, Pine Grove, Pennsylvania
8 articles 13 photos 487 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I&#039;m living in a shell with no soul&quot; -Three Days Grace (World So Cold)<br /> &quot;Time still turns the pages of the book it&#039;s burned&quot; -Avenged Sevenfold (So Far Away)

Haha that'd be pretty cool if we did!!!!  Haha ;)

Sagee BRONZE said...
on Mar. 23 2011 at 8:23 pm
Sagee BRONZE, Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 7 comments
hmm... maybe... i go where u live pretty often so maybe... haha

on Mar. 23 2011 at 2:22 pm
Basketball23 SILVER, Pine Grove, Pennsylvania
8 articles 13 photos 487 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I&#039;m living in a shell with no soul&quot; -Three Days Grace (World So Cold)<br /> &quot;Time still turns the pages of the book it&#039;s burned&quot; -Avenged Sevenfold (So Far Away)

You're welcome!!!  Do you realize how close I live to you though (I looked at where you're from) we very well might know each other....:)

Sagee BRONZE said...
on Mar. 22 2011 at 8:57 pm
Sagee BRONZE, Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 7 comments
haha thanks :)

on Mar. 14 2011 at 2:24 pm
Basketball23 SILVER, Pine Grove, Pennsylvania
8 articles 13 photos 487 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I&#039;m living in a shell with no soul&quot; -Three Days Grace (World So Cold)<br /> &quot;Time still turns the pages of the book it&#039;s burned&quot; -Avenged Sevenfold (So Far Away)

Well that's good :))  But otherwise, it was a GREAT poem!!!

sagee said...
on Mar. 12 2011 at 10:33 pm
haha don't worry. i wrote this after i read a sad part in a book, and this is just how i imagined the character felt... so there's nothing to worry about haha :)

on Mar. 10 2011 at 6:34 pm
Basketball23 SILVER, Pine Grove, Pennsylvania
8 articles 13 photos 487 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I&#039;m living in a shell with no soul&quot; -Three Days Grace (World So Cold)<br /> &quot;Time still turns the pages of the book it&#039;s burned&quot; -Avenged Sevenfold (So Far Away)

PLEASE STAY!!!  I love this poem...but I really hope the meaning is NOT true!!!  I live very close to Schuylkill Haven (as it says at the top of the poem) so please just let me know if you need to talk...about ANYTHING!!!