A Lonely Soul | Teen Ink

A Lonely Soul

January 21, 2011
By ugh,life.... BRONZE, Homer City, Pennsylvania
ugh,life.... BRONZE, Homer City, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Its because we gave them all the spot light, and let the shine in the ways they know how. We never ever told that they weren't good enough, or pretty enough, or smart enough, we just let them do their own thing, and it worked"~Dee Ann

A lonely soul,
from who's eyes the lights been stole.
One useless girl,
to save and light the whole world.
But who shall care,
if all she can do is sit and stare?
But who would volunteer,
to provide a light so dear?
So, it was stole,
from a lonely soul.
Maybe one day she shall see,
the light she provides for we.

The author's comments:
I just really wish that people would see how badly what they do can effect others.

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