Broken Hearted | Teen Ink

Broken Hearted

April 26, 2011
By CBLover SILVER, Bells, Texas
CBLover SILVER, Bells, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;May the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord...&quot;<br /> Psalm 19:14

I lay in my bed, snuggled with my teddy bear. Scared like a little girl during a storm. I close my eyes, imagining him. I have a front-row seat to a waterfall in my room and in my bed. No sunshine for hours. Time goes by slower and slower, and my pillow just gets getting wetter and wetter.
I need his comfort, his voice, I need his arms wrapped around me and his lips on mine. His jacket protects me for long as it can, but it doesn't work as well as having the man I love there, arms open for me to run into and hug him tight. He is my comfort item, the only thing that really and truly calms me down.
The night seems like forever before I finally start to calm down. My soft comforter covers me, my pillow and my bear are soaked with tears and covered in my mascara. My eyes still watered, my heart is sinking with disappointment.
I feel like a tree, been through storm after storm and shower after shower. My love for him is strong and that is all that matters right now. I will always love him no matter what happens between us.

The author's comments:
Many of us girls have felt this way one way or another. whether it was cheating or a bad break-up. I have been through this time after time and I felt like sharing because I wanted girls to feel like they are not the only ones... I have too.

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