Juliet, My Successor | Teen Ink

Juliet, My Successor

May 16, 2011
By Quackestah BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Quackestah BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dreaming just brings a coming joy.
Except this different kind of dream, I could see myself, with my lady in mourning.
Such a strange thought.
In my sight right now, a dear lady, my dear lady.
With her to love, I know why I'm so happy.

There's my man, with a news of my homeland.
Are my people alright?
Especially my lady.
If she's alright, nothing can be any worse.
As if all my hopes are fake, bad news has risen.
The body of my lady, lies in the tomb of my eternal enemy.
His job, his reason, take me to the tomb.

With this grave problem I arise a solution.
Give me a pencil, and some paper.
Let's catch a ride for Verona tonight.

Sir, let's give it some time.
You're getting too excited.
You're going to get hurt.

Shut up and get me what I wanted.
I suspect the Friar wrote me?

No letter here.

Okay good.
Hop on your steed, your dust will be my guide.

My dear Juliet.
Oh journey, how destructive thoughts come about.
Oh how my woe takes me to the apothecary.
As I've observed before, ingredients.
As I foresee a vile coming about.

The author's comments:
Act 5, Scene 1

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