The Voices of Singing | Teen Ink

The Voices of Singing

May 5, 2011
By matcarson SILVER, Cochranville, Pennsylvania
matcarson SILVER, Cochranville, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love never fails"

What is that we shall sing?
Shall we sing from our hearts?
Shall we sing from our minds?
Shall we sing from our bodies?
Or shall we sing from our souls?

Is it we sing from our hearts?
Of our lovers as we are stricken
Or of the past when we are broken
Stories to heal scars torn open
This voice is of a romantic fool

Is it we sing from our minds?
With complex melody and perfected rhythm
An entire symphony to show off one’s masterpiece
As if constructed as from our own power
This voice is of the prideful fool

Is it we sing from our bodies?
Of passionate desires and promiscuous greed
With no more purpose then to find a mate
Like an animal with no care for any but pleasure
This voice is of the lustful fool

No! We must sing from our soul
From that which opens us up to all we are
Instead of hiding under this masquerade of words
Every note, every beat, every lyric without one’s soul
Is nothing more then trash from a babbling fool

Let our soul be what in us sings
For the voice of a fool is dead
That one of a piercing pitch
Shall be beautiful in singing from the soul
Let music be a world that our song shall release

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