The Eulogy of Lamentation | Teen Ink

The Eulogy of Lamentation

May 5, 2011
By matcarson SILVER, Cochranville, Pennsylvania
matcarson SILVER, Cochranville, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love never fails"

It is not what I intended
To cause, all this destruction.
There is nothing I could have done
As the mangled Innocent
Suffered the guilt of my existence.

I grow weary in reminisce:
A child, undeserving of the dark;
A woman, with a final blameless breath;
A friend, loyalty's bond is oblivious;
A lover, blood's beauty faint.

Lonely beast, ever so foul
Neglect shall be eternal.
I shall be your friend, benevolent wretch
Follow you to the flame
That awaits consummation.

Father beast, do you search for pity?
The mountains you climb heal not your wounds.
Repent poor soul! Your time has come
Know there is no rest
In the bitterness of revenge.

Why embrace me, monsters?
Seek solace in the Storm
For I am wretchedness, darker than ye.
My sorrow shall strangle every ounce of joy
Sin is no escape from itself.

Fools, as beasts you die
None of my children can know the light
For I am a torrent of darkness.
As you wallow in the abyss of your souls
Rest not, your final victims.

Peace and Joy
Love and Loyalty
Brilliance and Benevolence
The glory of life
My children, you murder them all.

The author's comments:
This is written in response to the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.

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