My great grandma Bonnie | Teen Ink

My great grandma Bonnie

July 25, 2011
By Bugglov3 SILVER, Cambridge, Minnesota
Bugglov3 SILVER, Cambridge, Minnesota
8 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"True passion is being bashed for what you love doing and doing it anyway." -TheBugg

Remembering the times we’ve shared and the lessons you taught me,
I will always be thankful for my great grandma Bonnie.
Time came and went so fast,
I wish I could close my eyes and take a ride into the past.
Do you remember spending time in the garden,
and baking at every chance?
Do you remember taking walks down the road and back?
Do you remember all of those nights we stayed up late,
trying to decide on a Bible story to read on Sunday?
We always waited last minute for that didn’t we.
I remember making crafts with you as you told me every story.
You talked about the times you were in Russia,
and told stories about every adventure,
every childhood memory.
I loved those stories,
even if you did tell them a thousand times;
I loved them because I always learned something new.
You filled my heart with hope and joy,
you gave me faith and pride.
I swear you could have taught me how to fly,
if only you tried.
I’d give anything to hear your stories again,
I could sit there and listen to you talk for hours on end.
I never told you this,
but the year before we moved,
you got really sick, and the bleeding wouldn’t cease.
I got worried and began to cry,
I didn’t want my grandma to die.
So I went home and sat on my creaky old swing
I prayed for days it seemed.
I prayed that you would be all right,
I asked God for just a few more memories with you,
my great grandma Bonnie.
My prayers were answered,
you passed away nine years later.
I wouldn’t trade a single day,
not a moment that passed by,
I only wish I could have been with you when you said your final goodbye.
They said you weren’t afraid,
you were sleeping sound.
Now I know you are my angel in Heaven,
carefully watching over me.
I know you’re proud of each move I make;
and you should be,
I learned it all from you,
my great grandma Bonnie.

The author's comments:
Death is awful, but lets not forget their life. I wrote this after my grandmother died; remembering all of the lessons she taught me and all the good times we had, I kept it all in mind. Life is something to celebrate.

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