Laugh | Teen Ink


July 31, 2011
By ParisRose BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
ParisRose BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments


Right now!

laugh at anything

laugh at nothing

laugh until you can't feel a thing

do it!

do it now i'm trying to help!

Laugh until you think your spleen is going to explode

I promise you'll feel better.

I know I did.

Smile it's easy!

Can't do it?

Just fake it.

Give it time and you'll make it

laugh be silly

be crazy

laugh at the dumbest s***

and you'll be happy

Stop being so damn serious

and then you'll see what I see

Then maybe you can laugh with me again

The author's comments:
Ummm this is still kind of a rough draft. Believe it or not a break up inspired it.

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