Until You Promised Me Forever | Teen Ink

Until You Promised Me Forever

August 19, 2011
By Bugglov3 SILVER, Cambridge, Minnesota
Bugglov3 SILVER, Cambridge, Minnesota
8 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"True passion is being bashed for what you love doing and doing it anyway." -TheBugg

Once upon a time in a far away world, i was a brokenhearted girl. Scared and alone, until you came along, you turned my life all the way around. You made me laugh, you made me cry, you took my heart for a ride. Life hasn't been the same sense you pulled me out of the dark, you took me to the light and showed me how to live life. Now all i see in my heart is you, you fixed it up like new. It's all come together now that you've promised me forever.

The author's comments:
This short poem is about how one person can change someones life in a split second, simply by giving love. Love can change everything.

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