Life Taken for Granted | Teen Ink

Life Taken for Granted

August 19, 2011
By Bugglov3 SILVER, Cambridge, Minnesota
Bugglov3 SILVER, Cambridge, Minnesota
8 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"True passion is being bashed for what you love doing and doing it anyway." -TheBugg

Honey you and me, its everything I imagined it to be. Darling everything you give me, its everything I want and need. Without you I'd crumble and break but honey your worth the heartache, and the only heartache is watching you drive away after an amazing day. I'm in love with a man who I know loves me. I have faith in something much bigger than what I can see. I have friends who know who I am when I fail to understand. I have two eyes to see, hands to feel, and a heart to wear on my sleeve. When I realize I have all of this, life is bliss.

The author's comments:
Life is too often taken for granted; people lose sight of what they've got, because they're blind by what they don't have.

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