Roslein | Teen Ink


September 4, 2011
By katherine_gabriel BRONZE, Grafton, Vermont
katherine_gabriel BRONZE, Grafton, Vermont
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is a tree where Roslein sleeps.
Roslein dreams of her life,
Young and vulnerable,
Alive and breathing, but with worries.
Endless sleep.
Roslein. Roslein. Roslein sleeps.
Roslein dreams of her life.

Tree branch, dips down low.
Roslein dreams of her life.
Tree bark, peels off slowly
The roots grow around her,
The nature thrives at night.
Roslein. Roslein. Roslein sleeps.
Roslein dreams of her life.

Under the wild tree branch,
Roslein's dreams come to life.
The branch snaps and cracks,
She dreams, 'what if,' and 'why.'

The wild roots slither in her sleep.
The world grows around her.
Endless sleep.
Roslein dreams of her life.

Under the wild wood,
Roslein's dreams come to life.
Her hair turned to root,
Body turned to bark.
Moss adorned her cheeks,
and Roslein. Roslein. Roslein sleeps.
Roslein dreams of her life.

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