Insanity, an Overlooked Freedom | Teen Ink

Insanity, an Overlooked Freedom

October 11, 2011
By neuc321 BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
neuc321 BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Weird is normal, normal is strange, and crazy is what you call someone when you don't know what they are!"

Those deemed insane,
Have more,
Than meets the eye.
Once thought mad,
You’re ignored.
Nothing done,
Is taken seriously.
In that moment,
You’re free,
From the wandering eye,
From the judgment,
Of the sane.
It’s as if,
Nothing matters.
All wished,
Can be said,
And overlooked.
All wished,
To be shown,
Can be,
Without fear.
A freedom,
All its own,

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