Forgetful | Teen Ink


October 25, 2011
By jakewinkles SILVER, Rainsville, Alabama
jakewinkles SILVER, Rainsville, Alabama
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't try" - Charles Bukowski

I wonder
How she’s doing with her husband to be
If the baby’s a kicker
If she even remembers those November nights
In the trailer park
In that camper
At my house
Or anything about that month
That meant so much to me
I wonder
If she remembers the 4th of July
Her newly colored hair
And moccasins
If she remembers how my best friend was better
I wonder
If she remembers the pageant
The skating rink
Or my house
If she remembers how scared I was
Of everything
I wonder
If she remembers being my first Latino
If she remembers the crowd around us when we kissed
If she cared how her boyfriend of then and now
Would have felt
I wonder
If she remembers the night after prom
When she helped me walk
And watched me cry
How she really felt about all those kisses on the cheek
If she remembers
Or if she’s too sad
And just focused on killing herself
I wonder
If she was as shocked as she said
If I’m just a plaything for her
Or an undecided
Or if I’m just a friend
If she remembers skipping third block for a week straight
If she cares at all
If she misses my kiss as much as I miss hers
I wonder
If any of them remember
Or if they’ve all forgotten
I wonder
If I should do the same

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