Risen | Teen Ink


November 14, 2011
By tatiibanana BRONZE, Newark, New Jersey
tatiibanana BRONZE, Newark, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
a lie may take care of the present but it has no future

Let. Me. Breathe.
Let me take my own life in my own hands and hear me speak.
This, is not your time.
I have not asked for your opinion,
don't attempt to direct my lines.
I am, my own woman.

You have guided and protected, made sense in me when I couldn't.
Now is not the time to interject,
I need to do this.

Exposing myself to vulnerability,
will allow the boat to finally sail.
The inner battle must stop,
is it yes, is it no.
Go For it.
This. Might hurt.
Play it safe.
Don't hold back these voices fervor
an intensity, an itch i can't scratch. I want you to be silent.
You've aided me in my need,
restricted me at the right moment but what will i have to show for myself.

An empty book with no story to tell, i release these chains that hold me against the wall.

If i follow you I'm playing by the rules. I shall fall into these waters, take in the...
I release you from myself.

The author's comments:
I wanted to make a piece where the emphasis is on the Pauses, giving an overall powerful effect.

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